4 mental cues to help you live a better life

Mahnoor Sargana
4 min readJul 1, 2021


What I imagine living a better life will look in. Source

One-liners, mindsets, and quotes have been extremely helpful in providing a lens that propels me to do to be the person I aspire to be.

Here some mental cues that if you internalize and intentionally practice, will help you shift your perspective towards life for the better.

What you find wrong in someone else, correct it in yourself.

Look within. Source Unsplash

Whenever a quality/action/behavior of someone else bugs you. Rather than being stuck on thinking bad of them and frustrating yourself just from the thoughts- see if you have that trait too. If you do, work on correcting it.

This helps you grow and enables you to look at bad encounters as an opportunity to be a better person. #GrowthMindset

Anything past 9 pm is decreasing in value.

Source Unsplash

This is something my sister introduced me to, saying: ‘Imagine as if anything you are about to do after 9 pm will get you negative points rather than help you make progress’. This is extremely helpful for early risers as to wake up early, you have to sleep early. It also helps you break from the vicious cycle of revenge bedtime procrastination which is when you delay your bedtime for more leisure activities that you didn’t give yourself the time to do during the day. Whatever time you want to stop doing work and wind down, use this.

Start your day by creating something

Source Unsplash

Since I have started doing this I have felt more prone to take action than otherwise. Starting your day by creating rather than consuming sets you in the active mindset which helps you activate the things that need to be done later on. Passive consumption often feels like progress but only action can truly drive you towards an outcome.

Having a bias to action is hard but once you have trained yourself to develop this mindset, you’ll just be getting things done.

Intentions change the game- and let you play longer.

Find your why. Source Unsplash

Rephrasing my intentions has helped me punch through roadblocks that I didn’t see hope in. Sometimes when you look at it through a different lens- probably an un-materialistic one- you’ll generate a drive to complete things when all else seems to be failing. Our whys and the story we tell ourselves are very important factors in generating the courage to do things for the long run. It helps you develop patience when you recall why you’re doing what you’re doing. This means you need to be intentional about your life, not accidental.


  • When you dislike a quality in someone, rather than dwell on the dislike see it as an opportunity to better yourself. Reflect if you behave similarly, and if you do, change it.
  • Set a time with the belief that if you do anything after it, the work you do will decrease in value.
  • Start your day by creating or producing something as this will help you come into an active mindset rather than a passive one.
  • Continuously check your intention when doing anything. Be aligned with your why.

Hey! Thank you so much for reading this. Hope you found it valuable.
I am Mahnoor, a 15 y/o ambitious kid from Pakistan. I am constantly learning about the world and myself and often write about the passions I develop. My interests include Nanotechnology, SDGs, tech for good, mindset development to name a few.

You can find out what I have been up to here, and connect with me here.

